This clam can grow up to 3’ in the wild and I have seen Derasa clams as large at 18” in captivity (public aquariums). So while you can get away with a 50 gallon tank to house the likes of crocea and maxima clams, I would recommend a minimum of 90 gallons to start with, and you may need subsequent upgrades later on for the animal’s long term health.


Coral Clam| Pfälzer Str.8 | 93059 Regensburg | Germany. E-Mail:

I have kept about a dozen derasa over the years and have to be pretty diligent to get the ones I have, never ever seen anything close to this though! Unlike most other species of clams, the Derasa Clam has a mostly smooth shell without prominent scutes. They generally have six or seven vertical folds, but may   squamosa and T. derasa. Tridacna Clams are relatively easy to care for in aquarium conditions. All of the clams in this genus have symbiotic algae called  Keeping calcium concentrations in the range of 400 to 450ppm is optimal, but they can be a bit lower or higher.

Derasa clam care

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But, all tridacna clams have relatively high light Tridacna derasa. Derasa clams typically have a golden colored mantle with streaks of teal and a vibrant blue rim. In comparison to maxima and crocea clams, derasa clams get massive. It is not uncommon to have a derasa grow to over 20” in a home aquarium.

The Derasa Clam is also commonly referred to in the aquarium trade as the Southern Giant Clam or Smooth Giant Clam. The latter of these names refers to the relative lack of ribbing and scales on the shell, which sets this species apart from many other Tridacna Clams.

Derasa Clam (Tridacna derasa) The derasa clam is desired by hobbyists for its beauty and fascinating behavior. This animal relies on two very different sources of nourishment. Like many other bivalve mollusks, it filter-feeds on phytoplankton through its gills.

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Derasa clam care

Feeding. If it is under four inches, feeding is required for Derasa Clams. Smaller clams need to be fed phytoplankton a few times per week to keep them alive.

CLAMS! CLAMS! Gotta love a beautiful clam showing off in the tank.

Derasa clam care

Tridacna Squamosa and Tridacna Derasa are the best clams for beginners, requiring lower light & water quality conditions to thrive. Care Level: Beginner  Keeping calcium concentrations in the range of 400 to 450ppm is optimal, but they can be a bit lower or higher. The pH should optimally be kept around 8.2 to 8.4,  6 Jun 2018 The four most readily available species of Tridacna clams are derasa, Care requirements for these clams are similar to corals in that they  squamosa and T. derasa. Tridacna Clams are relatively easy to care for in aquarium conditions. All of the clams in this genus have symbiotic algae called  Feeding. If it is under four inches, feeding is required for Derasa Clams.
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Do not house with Triggers, Puffers, and aggressive predatory Wrasses as they cannot seem to resist picking at clams. Ultra Grade Colored Maxima Clam, Aquacultured ORA® (Tridacna maxima) Starting at $109.99 Derasa Clam, Aquacultured (Tridacna derasa) We hope you and the aquatic life under your care stay safe. Clam is a common name for several kinds of bivalve molluscs.The word is often applied only to those that are edible and live as infauna, spending most of their lives halfway buried in the sand of Coral Clam| Pfälzer Str.8 | 93059 Regensburg | Germany. E-Mail: Care Level: Moderate Tridacna derasa are the hardiest and most adaptable of all the Tridacna spp.

Care level Experienced aquarist . Origin Central Pacific/Indo Pacific .
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Hur ta hand om en Tridacna crocea Clam · Hur man tar bort hårt vatten fläckar av glas Aquarium · Avyttring av Aquarium grus · Hur man bygger en Septiktank för 

Feeding. If it is under four inches, feeding is required for Derasa Clams.

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If you have small, unwary (careless) fish like certain gobies and blennies, it is possible for them to [TD=bgcolor: transparent]Cultured Clam - Crocea Coloured.

squamosa is a bit easier. as with any of the giant clam, they all need lights to survive.

Unlike most other species of clams, the Derasa Clam has a mostly smooth shell without prominent scutes. They generally have six or seven vertical folds, but may  

A healthy clam should quickly react.

This occurred at the MMDC Giant Clam Hatchery in Palau, which focused on Tridacna derasa in pioneering large-scale developments. References 2003-05-01 · Bioenergetically, giant-clam growth may be represented by Fig. 1.Energy available represents the energy intake of the clam. This is in the form of translocated photosynthate derived by the clam from photosynthesis of its symbiotic algae (which is influenced by solar radiation and temperature), and absorbed ration from the clam filter-feeding on seawater containing particulate organic matter.