angular.element(document.getElementById('divID')).scope().TestAngularMethod(); If you noticed in javascript code, I am using angularJS scope of TestController and calling TestAngularMethod() from here.
Vi ser gärna att du har några års erfarenhet av: HTML, CSS och JavaScript/TypeScript; JavaScript-ramverk/bibliotek som React, Angular och/eller Vue.js; Node.js
For doing the base functionality we will use: angular.module(“name”, []) (the function and call it in your JavaScript code.) This will initiate a new module in our base code. Afterwards it will return that newly created module for functioning. 2015-10-25 2018-09-02 Explain Angular.js Expressions with an example. AngularJS expressions are those that are written inside double braces {{expression}}.
21 sep. 2016 — Render("~/bundles/angular") http://~/Scripts/MyApp.js @RenderSection("scripts", required: false)