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Schlumberger (SLB) Secures Deal to Drill Wells in Southern Iraq By Zacks Investment Research - Mar 28, 2021 Schlumberger (NYSE:SLB) Limited SLB has recently got a contract to drill 96 oil wells in

The contract has been valued at $480 million and the leading oilfield service provider will Analyst Ratings are available for US and Canadian equities. Unlike Barchart Opinions (which calculate the Buy/Sell rating using a variety of short-medium and long-term technical indicators), the Analyst Ratings are more of a short-term indicator that gives you a feel for how outside industry experts are weighing in on a stock. 2021-03-29 · Analysts’ Opinion of SLB. Many brokerage firms have already submitted their reports for SLB stocks, with BofA Securities repeating the rating for SLB by listing it as a “Buy.” The predicted price for SLB in the upcoming period, according to BofA Securities is $31 based on the research report published on January 25th of the current year 2021. SLB Analyst Ranking Who this matters to: Analyst Ranking shows you which stocks Wall Street analysts like the most. Since analysts build valuation models, this is most useful for medium to long-term investors who are interested in a valuation-based approach. 2021-04-05 · Schlumberger Ltd. analyst estimates, including SLB earnings per share estimates and analyst recommendations.

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Services  opinion leaders providing their experience with RefluxStop™ Bettlach, board member of Balgrist Beteiligungs AG, Balgrist Campus AG, Campus SLB Stockholm University) and is a Chartered Financial Analyst. American Express Co: American Express Reports First-Quarter Revenue of $9.1 Schlumberger NV: Schlumberger Announces First-Quarter 2021 Results Analyst Group: Humble Group - Aktieanalys på Humble Group - Ambition om att bli  Jessica Bagge is the Opinionsbildare/Projektledare at Sveriges Ingenjörer [The Swedish Association of Graduate Engineers] based in Sweden. De Gröna rider samtidigt på en stark nationell uppbackning där man är tvåa i opinionsmätningarna. En ny seger i Baden-Württemberg ger bara  Schlumberger, Oliver, et al. (author) (author); Religiositet och opinion om konflikten i Mellanöstern; 2006; In: Tro & Liv: Tidskrift för kristen tro och förkunnelse.

The oil and gas company reported $0.22 earnings per share for the quarter, topping analysts' consensus estimates of $0.17 by $0.05. The oil and gas company earned $5.53 billion during the quarter, compared to analysts' expectations of $5.23 billion. Schlumberger currently has 2 sell ratings, 6 hold ratings and 13 buy ratings from Wall Street analysts.

21 Wall Street analysts have issued ratings and price targets for Schlumberger in the last 12 months. Their average twelve-month price target is $24.68, 

With a market capitalization of $36,938,407,719, Schlumberger Limited has a greater market value than 93.03% of US stocks. SLB's went public 35.32 years ago, making it older than 92.82% of listed US stocks we're tracking.

Slb analyst opinion

See Schlumberger N.V. (SLB) stock analyst estimates, including earnings and revenue, EPS, upgrades and downgrades.

SLB.FR updated stock price target summary. 2021-04-20 2 days ago Fidelity does not endorse or adopt any particular investment strategy, any analyst opinion/rating/report or any approach to evaluating individual securities.

Slb analyst opinion

In the last year, 1 stock analyst published opinions about SLB Get the latest Schlumberger Limited SLB detailed stock quotes, stock data, Real- Time All Zacks' Analyst Reports » Zacks News for SLB; Other News for SLB. The Zacks Equity Research reports, or ZER for short, are our in-house, independently produced research reports. The ever popular one-page Snapshot reports are  The advice is provided from Schlumberger's buy-and-hold perspective. Additionally, take a look at Schlumberger Analyst Recommendation to compare  A high-level overview of Schlumberger Limited (SLB) stock. Stay up to date on the latest stock price, chart, news, analysis, fundamentals, trading and investment   View the real-time SLB price chart on Robinhood and decide if you want to buy or sell commission-free. Change the date 26 Analyst Ratings for SLB. 77%. Schlumberger Ltd. analyst ratings, historical stock prices, earnings estimates & actuals. SLB updated stock price target summary.
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Financial Analyst Jakarta - Indonesia. Schlumberger Indonesia - Financial Analyst. Job Summary: The Financial Analyst provides financial support to the Controller and/or Financial Center Mgr. in order to ensure that each significant business decision is given proper financial consideration.

2020-10-16 Analyst opinions, ratings and reports are provided by third-parties unaffiliated with Fidelity. All information supplied or obtained from this page is for informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice or guidance, an offer of or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell a particular security, or a recommendation or endorsement by Fidelity of any security or Fidelity does not endorse or adopt any particular investment strategy, any analyst opinion/rating/report or any approach to evaluating individual securities. Fidelity makes no guarantees that information supplied is accurate, complete, or timely, and does not provide any warranties regarding results obtained from its … 2021-02-24 To keep the results in a more logical format, we factor the overall opinion by 1.04 to keep the end result in multiples of 8 percentage points, with the exception of a 100% buy or sell. This is why the opinion indicators will be displayed as 8%, 16%, 88%, 96% and 100%, for example, rather the exact percentage value.

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2020-10-16 · slb $26.76 -$0.30 -1.1% Price as of April 9, 2021, 8:00 p.m. EDT View Interactive SLB Charts

Svensk Till-gänglig: [2009-06-. 08] borehole-radar data. The Log Analyst, 32, pp 108–119. Programmer Analyst Computer Software Education International Islamic University Chittagong 1998 — 2002. Bachelor of Computer Science and Enginerring,  AMEC Second Opinion April 2007 - Present University Hospital, Lund February 1973 Stockholm, Sweden Client Analyst at Swedbank Financial Services. Maria Gard.

Meanwhile, note that the median SLB forecast price target (median being the middle where half of analysts had a higher SLB forecast and half had a lower SLB forecast, which is a different metric than the average or mean) was $27.0 as of 2021-04-07, while the highest SLB forecast in the analyst group was $39.0, and the lowest SLB forecast in the analyst group was $7.0, with a standard deviation

2021-04-05 · Schlumberger Ltd. analyst estimates, including SLB earnings per share estimates and analyst recommendations. 2021-03-05 · Analyst recommendations provided by FactSet shows that the consensus forecast for Schlumberger Limited (SLB) is a “Overweight”. 27 analysts offering their recommendations for the stock have an average rating of 2.20, where 6 rate it as a Hold and 2 think it is a “Overweight”. 18 of the analysts rate the stock as a “Buy”. 1 analysts have rated the stock as a Sell or Underperform.

January 2023 $15.00 Strike PUT • 3.55% Annualized YieldBoost • 45.16% Out-of-the-money 2021-01-22 · Connor Lynagh-- Morgan Stanley -- Analyst.